One Million School Kids Learn English in Digitised Way
DNA India talks about the RightToRead initiative and says that it has revolutionised the way English language learning is being taught for nearly one million children in government-funded schools, across eight Indian states. These states include Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Punjab and West Bengal. The RightToRead initiative helps students learn English.
EnglishHelper, a global company providing technology-enabled solutions to teach English, has developed an English learning software called ReadToMe, presently being used in over 5,000 schools. Their English textbooks have been digitised and government school children sit in state-of-the-art computer labs to learn English. Children in these schools pay no fees and they are also provided free books and uniforms. For them, learning English is important because it will provide them with more opportunities later in life.
EnglishHelper, in partnership with IL&FS Education and American Indian Foundation has provided the digitized classroom material under the RightToRead initiative.
To know more about DNA India’s coverage of the RightToRead initiative, click on the link below.
The original article has been written and published by DNA India:
(January 2017)
Reading Aloud Improves Spoken English
Reading aloud is the best way to learn to speak English with confidence. It is also important to read material that is at the right level for you. If you read things that are too difficult, you may not understand the words and phrases and might give up. And of course, if you read things that are too easy, you will get bored and might give up. So, find things you like and that aren’t too easy or difficult, and just start reading aloud.
EnglishHelper has a program that starts with a simple placement test so you know what your level is.
It is a free program that starts off with a placement test and will help you learn English in an engaging way.