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Frequently asked questions to EnglishHelper

Learn English FAQs

Our English learning and writing products are completely online and can be accessed on any device including smart phones, tablet, and computers. This means that you can learn anytime, anywhere. Many of our customers and partner organizations use our English learning products in their computer labs and classrooms for their students and employees. Check out our RightToRead project for more information.

Our English learning programs and tools are suitable for all age groups.

No; you can benefit from our learning programs whatever your current English proficiency level. Whether you are a beginner or are already familiar with English, signing up with EnglishHelper will develop your language skills and help you meet your goals.

Taking the test will help us measure your English proficiency, enabling us to offer you the program best suited for you.

We offer programs at 6 different levels, with Level 1 aimed at beginners. Our English learning programs are aligned to the levels defined by CEFR, or the Common European Framework for Languages.

Our Learn English learning program is absolutely free. With this program, you can improve your English reading, speaking, and listening skills.If you want to work on your English writing skills, you can sign up for our writing improvement tool, WritingAssistant, which is offered at 4 levels – Basic, Plus and Pro. The Basic level is free, while Plus and Pro are affordably priced. You can find out more about WritingAssistant here.

ReadToMe is a unique English learning technology which enables multisensory learning and powers our online English learning program. While using ReadToMe, the artificial voice will read the text while you follow along and read aloud with the voice. You are encouraged to control the speed at which you read and repeat as many times as necessary till you feel confident. ReadToMe will also help to increase your English vocabulary and word meanings with the help of the picture dictionary feature. To know more about ReadToMe: Click Here

We recommend you spend atleast 60 minutes per module and complete at least 4 modules over 4 - 4 hours each week. Developing fluency in English is all about practice! The more time you spend learning and practicing, the faster you will meet your language learning goals.

Individual users will need online access to utilize our products, but can use any device that connects to the internet. For our institutional subscribers, such as public schools which are often not connected to the internet, we offer an offline version of our reading & comprehension software. To find out more about how our technology can be deployed offline on a larger scale, please write to us at