
English Grammar | Common Email Mistakes

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In your professional life, there is a good chance that you spend nearly every day writing emails. Writing a professional email is an important skill to have, especially for those who are regularly involved in business communications. This is because a well written email can play an important role in how you present yourself. It also plays a role in how you are perceived as a representative of the organization that employs you. Ensure that correct English grammar is used in emails. People tend to make mistakes when writing professional emails, so here is a list of common email mistakes that you should avoid before you click that ‘Send’ button.

Emails, EnglishHelper, English Skill Building, Professional Skills, Business Skills, Learn English, Learn English Online, Spoken English, Spoken English Online, Speak English, English Grammar

Forgetting to Open with Greeting and End with a Closing

It is very important to open with a greeting and end with a closing when you are writing a business email. If you forget to do this, the recipient will think you are rude and will most likely not reply. It may seem like a small mistake to make but you must be mindful of it when you are trying to build a brand or present an image of yourself.

Being too Informal

If the language you use while writing an email is too informal then the recipient may see it as you being disrespectful and unprofessional. Type everything very carefully and be mindful of your tone. Being polite and speaking respectfully will go a long way. These are important things to keep in mind when building a mutually beneficial relationship over email.

Not Using or Forgetting About the Subject Line

A relevant subject line helps keep track of conversations and refer back to important emails from the past. It also helps the recipient know why he or she should read your email. For example, if you want your recipient to review a sales presentation you’ve attached, a subject line such as “Please Review | Sales Presentation” will be a call to action for your recipient.

Forgetting About Attention to Detail

When you are writing a business email, do not send it out without proofreading it carefully. Be mindful of spelling mistakes and pay careful attention to grammar and punctuation. Always be sure to spell names correctly and double check for typos. These small details may be the most important when considering the rules of writing a professional email for business communications. Using an online writing checker such as WritingAssistant to make sure no mistakes slip through your emails is a good idea.

Adding Emojis or Abbreviations to Your Email

Emojis and informal abbreviations such as “LOL” might be okay when writing to friends, but avoid them in all your professional communication. Depending on who you are writing to and what’s accepted in your organization, you can use some standard business abbreviations like FYI instead of “For Your Information” and ASAP instead of “As Soon As Possible.” When in doubt though, just use the full form!

Using Improper English Grammar

Make sure to use correct spelling and English grammar in your email communication. It is always a good idea not just to do a spell check but also to read and revise your email once you have written it. In order to have a good command over your written and spoken English, improve your English grammar.

As with almost everything else, practice makes perfect. Writing emails is almost an unavoidable part of work life these days. Luckily, it’s a skill you can develop with practice, attention to detail, and a little help from technology!

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