How do so many people across the globe start learning English? The first language we learn is our mother tongue – at home, with friends, in school. As we listen and speak, we learn our native language even before we begin reading and writing.
Learning to read in our mother tongue is easy. In early classes, teachers use words we know. We like reading when we recognize words and understand their meaning. Once we start reading fluently, we learn new words and become even better in our native tongue.
Learning English as a second language is not always as simple
Put – But
No – Do
Cow – Mow
Bow – Now
None – Zone
Grown – Brown
In the examples provided above, the words have similar letters but they sound different! And these different sounds for the same letter do not always follow any written or easy to remember rules.
To overcome this we must listen to English being spoken, speak along with it, and hear and say most commonly used words. This helps us learn the sounds and enables us to recognize words. This is an important first step towards learning the language.
English language learning is most effective when learners are taught in a multi-sensory manner, using content that is both relevant to their context and at a difficulty level that they can comprehend while trying to learn English.
EnglishHelper offers unique technology enabled English learning products that can be used online, on any smart device. EnglishHelper products are designed on the following principles:
- 1. Learning is best when learners are offered content best suited for them
- 2. Multiple senses i.e. sight, sound, speech must be engaged concurrently
- 3. Repeated exposure to words and phrases enhances learning outcomes
EnglishHelper’s free ‘Learn English’ program has been designed around multi-sensory learning, and helps in building vocabulary, improving comprehension s and enhancing spoken English skills. Learners are exposed to correctly constructed sentences leading to usage based improvement in English grammar as well.
Learning English can be challenging but there are many resources available to help you learn English and improve your spoken English. To learn English in simple steps from home, try the free EnglishHelper English speaking course.