Learning the English Language from Speeches

Speech is simply the communication or expression of thoughts in spoken words. But, delivering a speech implies one person speaking to an audience in a formal manner. The aim of a formal speech is to convince, inspire, or inform the audience, as many great speeches, delivered at key moments in history have done. Some of these speeches have even gone […]

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Telephone Etiquette | Improve Spoken English

Depending on your job description, you may have to make several calls a day, and will soon get used to holding conversations and possibly even developing working relationships with people you will never meet. The important thing is to be aware that telephone communication is a different form of communication altogether and requires a different type of clarity and structure. […]

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English Language | Prepare for Presentations

Good English language skills are important for delivering a good corporate presentation. It is very important to prepare and practice well for every presentation that you make, but the fact is that you just can’t be prepared for everything. No matter how well you’ve prepared your slides and notes, and how many times you’ve practiced speaking in front of a […]

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Spoken English and Public Speaking

Does the thought of speaking in public make you nervous? Do your hands start to shake and your voice shiver when you start speaking in front of people, especially when speaking in English? Good spoken English skills are important for public speaking and presentations. Here are some tips that can help you overcome your nervousness and become a confident speaker. […]

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