EnglishHelper Launches ReadToMe In Collaboration With Intel And AWS

An article published by BW Education talks about how EnglishHelper has launched ReadToMe® under the RightToRead Programme in Government schools across India to remove barriers to improve English language skills. ReadToMe®, an AI software that facilitates multi-sensory reading and comprehension has enabled EnglishHelper in collaboration with Intel and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to effectively scale this solution in multiple states […]

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Learning Solutions: Intel’s tech helps improve English language skills in the hinterland

A recent article published by Financial Express talks about how EnglishHelper has deployed AI software, ReadToMe® under the RightToRead Programme, that facilitates multi-sensory reading and comprehension.  EnglishHelper along with its strategic partner, Schoolnet India Limited is spreading the ReadToMe® footprint to reach 20 million children in Government and Government aided schools across the country. Intel, in collaboration with Amazon Web […]

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How AI is helping government school students learn English

The Times of India – Education Times recently published a news article talking about the impact of the RightToRead programme implemented by EnglishHelper. This programme uses a multi-sensory reading comprehension AI software – ReadToMe® to enhance reading and comprehension among students of public schools. EnglishHelper has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Intel to provide the software to approx […]

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Story Time From A Computer: Teaching English To Millions Across India With Technology

A computer program guides English classes across schools in eight Indian states to make teaching and learning the language easier with narration, picture definitions and direct translations. I was so scared of English when I was in school. There was no individual attention then, or when I started teaching. With the picture dictionary it’s easy to teach. I was so […]

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An AI-based Technology Solution Aiming to Solve the Literacy Challenge

A recent article published by Millennium Post assesses the impact of the RightToRead initiative in India. The article critically examines this technology-enabled program and how it is contributing to solving the problem of illiteracy.  A huge number of children around the globe still struggle with reading. Lack of infrastructure, qualified teachers, and supplementary resources place students from lower socio-economic backgrounds […]

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EnglishHelper & Schoolnet introduce Technology for English in Assam Schools!

The ‘RightToRead‘ initiative across thousands of government schools in India is expected to achieve a footprint of 100,000 schools EnglishHelper, an education technology company led by Sanjay Gupta, Chief Executive Officer (Global), former Chairman, American Express India has partnered with Schoolnet India Ltd to introduce AI technology for learning English in nearly 1000 schools in Assam across 25 districts reaching […]

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Transforming the Education System in India | RightToRead

A recent article published by The Hindu (November 04, 2019 18:31 IST) talks of how EnglishHelper, with its RightToRead initiative, is helping the public education system in India to achieve better learning outcomes.  The writer of the article, Alika Kannadasan, lucidly describes the deployment of the RightToRead program in Chennai Middle School, MGR Nagar, a government school based out of […]

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English Proficiency Missionary | EdTech

EducationWorld published an article in its October 2019 edition featuring Sanjay Gupta, Global CEO of edtech company, EnglishHelper. Education World features the RightToRead program, an initiative undertaken by EnglishHelper. This initiative leverages multi-sensory reading and comprehension artificial intelligence software (ReadToMe®) to enable reading of English textbooks. In this article by Autar Nehru, Sanjay Gupta talks about how EnglishHelper is introducing […]

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The English Master Talking About the Education System

Entrepreneur magazine (October 2019 issue) features Sanjay Gupta, CEO, EnglishHelper. The article highlights Sanjay’s journey as an entrepreneur. Sanjay commenced his career in Finance and over the years has worked in a variety of industries across the globe. In 2010, Sanjay gave up his job as Head of American Express with a desire to ‘give back’ to society. He decided […]

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AI-Enabled Reading is the New Norm

A recent authored article written by Sanjay Gupta, Global CEO, EnglishHelper, and published by The Pioneer (September 25th, 2019) highlights the ineffectiveness of the Indian public school system. Sanjay talks about how students in early grades do not achieve the desired reading standards, which directly influences their ability to learn various subjects. In his article, Sanjay urges the need to […]

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